They will call you on the Pokenav and say that the gym is ready. Don't get your hopes up, I got my first rematch about 6 months ago and I still have 3 or 4 left to beat again.
Yes, there are the 8 johto gyms and after the Pokemon league you can go to kanto and face their gym leaders who all have powerful Pokemon and are all as powerful as the next. Yes, there are the 8 johto gyms and after the Pokemon league you can go to kanto and face their gym leaders who all have powerful Pokemon and are all as powerful as the next. kwl thanks alot
You have to go to the separate gyms. And then win each Gym battle
You go to Sky Pillar after the 7th gym in Emerald. There are only 8 gyms.
The gyms won't re-open until you've defeated the Elite Four. Afterwards, check Trainer's Eyes [Sapphire/Ruby] or Match Call [Emerald] on your Pokenav. When a gym leader is ready for a rematch, a pokeball will appear next to their name, and you can go challenge them again.
you cant get to the sinnoh region in Pokemon hart gold or soul silver but you can get the starter Pokemon at slip co (i think its called) once you done all gyms and defeated red (the Pokemon with emerald version).
you get it from steven in the phycic gyms place
Simple! Beat all the gyms!
Of course!! A lot of the Pokemon that you face at the gyms are around the area (at last a pre evolution or the same type of Pokemon at the gym). no offense but u have to be a noob to do that. i just gt my first Pokemon game. Emerald. i beat the elite 4 in 14 hours
you win them from gyms
The best starter Pokemon in Emerald/Ruby/Sapphire is Torchic. If you level it up well, it'll sail you through the first 3 gyms with ease.
Yes, there are the 8 johto gyms and after the Pokemon league you can go to kanto and face their gym leaders who all have powerful Pokemon and are all as powerful as the next. Yes, there are the 8 johto gyms and after the Pokemon league you can go to kanto and face their gym leaders who all have powerful Pokemon and are all as powerful as the next. kwl thanks alot
There are gym leaders in almost every city and there are lots of different Pokemon and trainers in the gyms.
rustboro,dewford town mauville,fortree,mossdeep and sootopolis HOPE I HELPED!
You have to go to the separate gyms. And then win each Gym battle
The order of the Gyms in Pokémon Emerald are Rustboro City, Dewford Town, Mauville City, Lavaridge Town, Petalburg City, Fortree City, Mossdeep City and Sootopolis City.
You go to Sky Pillar after the 7th gym in Emerald. There are only 8 gyms.
To beat your DAD you must beat the other gyms first.----Devon Allen Jones