Just trade Pokemon with them and then if they get to the man where you make groups they can join your group when they talking to him they can see the groups.
by trading or cheating with an action replay-if you already have one you can also breed with a Pokemon of the same egg group to get another
yes just breed a female piplup, prinplup, or empoleon with another male Pokemon in its breeding group. I think they are group Water 1 so bidoof, buizel, marill and others can be breed with it to make piplulp eggs
Pokemon in the same egg-group as gardevoir
Clefairy's Egg Group is Fairy, so any Pokemon with the same Egg Group can breed with Clefairy, including Ditto, which has its own Egg Group.
Unfortunately you cannot breed Flygon with any other Dragon-type Pokemon. It is the only Dragon Pokemon that can breed that is not in the Dragon egg group; instead, it is in the Bug egg group and can breed with other Bug-type Pokemon.
Yes, if it is in the egg group or is a ditto.
You can't create Pokemon on Pokemon platinum (unless if you call eggs creating Pokemon by breeding 2 of the similar type of egg group) Or If you mean by fossils then go to veilstone archaeology center.
Egg Groups in Pokemon Platinum and all other Pokemon games are what determines what Pokemon can breed. For example a male Shinx can breed with a female Ziggagoon cause they are both in the same Egg Group which is Field. Some Pokemon can be in up to two Egg Groups for example Ekans is in the Field and Dragon Egg Groups.
If you mean a Pokemon with the ELECTRIC group or/and a Pokemon with the ability STATIC such as PICHU or PIKACHU,there are lots of electric Pokemon in the Trophy Garden south of Hearthome on route 212.
by trading or cheating with an action replay-if you already have one you can also breed with a Pokemon of the same egg group to get another
Platinum is in Group 10 or 8B.
Platinum is in Group 10, , and Period 6.
hoho kyoger growdon arceus mewtwo dialga pokia
To recruit is to actively seek out people who will join your group. The people you recruit are called recruits. Although the use of the term in the military context as referring to newly-joined soldiers or sailors is perhaps the most common, it is possible to talk about recruits to a workforce or to a club as well.
Platinum belongs to group 1 (elements) in the Strunz system and more specific it is classified as 01.AF (platinum group elements)
a swarm is a group of Pokemon that appear on a random route after recieveing the national dex. to find out where the swarm is and what Pokemon are in the swarm, go to dawn/lucas's house in sandgem and talk to their little sister.