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you put action replay in then turn ds/dsi on then take actionreplay out when it asks and put game in wait go to cheats and select then press the go button on the title screen

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Q: How do you put Pokemon soul silver in actionreplay?
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How do you use the any encounter code for Pokemon soul silver?

buy a actionreplay put it in ure ds yes DSI action replays do work in lite and enter the code

What happens when you put Pokemon black Pokemon in Pokemon soul silver?

you can't

How do you get the egg if your party is full in soul silver?

put your Pokemon in the PC box at a pokecenter

What Pokemon does the fourth gym leader have in soul silver?

He has ghost Pokemon that put you asleep. It is extremely annoying!

How do you get a pokeflute in Pokemon Soul Silver?

put the pokegear radio on the highest part in the circle

How do you get a friend code in soul silver?

if you want a pokemon soul river friend code put in shane and the code is 348235686783

In Pokemon Soul Silver I am trying to get the egg but it keeps saying your party is full what do I do?

Put one of your Pokemon into the PC in a Pokemon centre.

What happens if you put a legendary Pokemon in to the daycare with a ditto in Pokemon soul silver?

They will simply gain Exp. You can't breed legendary pokemon.

How do you change the Pokemon beside you in Pokemon soul silver?

Put the pokemon you want in the first slot in your party. And there you go! Your pokemon is now running alongside you. Have fun with your pokemon, then!

Is Vulpix in Pokemon SoulSilver?

Vulpix is actually exclusive to Pokemon Soul Silver. I will put a link to the list of locations in the related links.

How do you keep your Pokemon in their pokeballs while traveling in Pokemon soul silver?

you can't. unless maybe you put a egg in your first slot of your Pokemon party

With a pokewalker can you catch Pokemon then put them on your game?

Yes, but only onto Heart Gold and Soul Silver.