No. The pokewalker enables you to put Pokemon on it, and then you can walk around with them, but it is not essential.
You can not Pokemon Heartgold is a Nintendo DS game and you can only play PC games on the PC
I mean…do you want Pokemon HeartGold? The difference between HeartGold and SoulSilver is that you catch Lugia in SoulSilver and Ho-Oh in HeartGold. Other than that they’re the same thing. You need a DS, DS Lite, or 3DS to play it though. It’s not playable on any other console.
VBA is an emulator for GameBoy Advance, while HeartGold is a game for NDS.
Yes, you can.
You can play Pokemon silver version on any of the gameboys,but not on the ds.
You don't absolutely need pokewalker to play soul silver. Pokewalker is another way to make your Pokemon more friendly towards their trainers.
For the Pokemon you transfered to your pokewalker from the PC box, each step you take equals 1 exp earned i believe. The Pokemon can only gained one level per walk though. Also, depending on the steps you take and what route you are on, you can play minigames with your watts to capture and collect rare Pokemon and items. You can also use your pokewalker to connect with a friend and receive an item. The pokewalker works the same for soulsilver and heartgold games.
Wednesday, after you get the national dex
Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver both have Wi-Fi capabilities.
Pokemon Platinum is the best. Platinum may be good, but I think the besyt game is the new HeartGold and SoulSilver versions. They are take place in Joto, except this is made for the ds, and it's very similar to platinum. It even comes with a pokewalker accesory, which you can put ur Pokemon onto it, and off of the game. And every 1,000 steps u take with ur pokewalker on ur belt, ur Pokemon u transfered to it levels up!! That way u don't need to battle to gain levels, and u don't need to use up rare candies! In fact, I used to think platinum was the best, but now that I saw the commercial for HeartGold and SoulSilver, I don't want to play any Pokemon game than HeartGold and SoulSilver!
yes you can from places like hmv or amazon or play!
You will have to erase everything on your pokewalker if you are planning on starting a new game and using it on the new save (it should tell you how to delete pokewalker stuff in the pokewalker manual thing)
You need to have Gold for online play. Silver is good for downloading demos and content.
Yes, the pokewalker connects directly to the NDS gamecard itself. Since the DSi can play DS games, it will work with the DSi
You can not Pokemon Heartgold is a Nintendo DS game and you can only play PC games on the PC
I mean…do you want Pokemon HeartGold? The difference between HeartGold and SoulSilver is that you catch Lugia in SoulSilver and Ho-Oh in HeartGold. Other than that they’re the same thing. You need a DS, DS Lite, or 3DS to play it though. It’s not playable on any other console.
You can' least not yet. But you can download an emulator and a heartgold ROM and you can play it that way. =D Technology...