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You purchase a copy of the Japanese Pokemon crystal game. That's what I did. Then you attach a mobile adapter. Unfortunately, the service to get the gs ball with the mobile adapter was canceled in 2004 by Nintendo.

However, using a action reply or GameShark will still work.

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Q: How do you obtain the gs ball?
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How do you get a gs ball apricorn?

The GS ball was not programmed into the game. There is no way to obtain it.

What apricorn do you need in Pokemon Gold for the GS ball?

You CANNOT obtain the GS Ball in Pokemon Gold, Silver, or Crystal without cheating, or glitching. So, I can easily say this. THERE IS NO APRICORN FOR A GS BALL.

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The GS Ball is not in the Heart Gold progamming so even if you use an Action Replay you cannot obtain it.

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The GS ball was an event-only item in Generation II games. Their remakes, HeartGold and SoulSilver, do not have any sort of GS ball item programmed into the game. There is no way to obtain it.

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i can tell you, but whats a gs ball? GS stands for Gold Silver

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There is no GS ball.

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None do. You can only get the GS Ball from a Nintendo Event.

How do you get gs ball in crystal version?

you can't obtain the GS Ball specifically, but you can make a glitch (not CHEAT) that makes Celebi appear. Details anda further info:

What apricorn you need to get a gs ball?

you can't make a gs ball

How to get gs ball in soul silver?

The GS Ball does NOT exist in the games.

What apricorn is used to make a Gs ball?

None, there is no GS Ball.

What is the Cheat Code for getting a GS ball?

there is a cheat for gs balls by action replay but you don't get many you see the gs ball on the Pokemon that you got by event and that is a gs ball