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Use Strength. Teach a pokemon Strength (A HM move).

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Q: How do you move the boulder in Lacunosa town white 2?
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How do you get to the great chasm in pokemon white?

from undella town you follow the path upwards and move the strength boulder you can get to lacunosa town from here as well as giant chasm

Where in lacunosa town is the giant chasm?

The Giant Chasm's on the route that's to the right of Lacunosa Town.

How do you get the geacidea flower in Pokemon white?

You go to Lacunosa town with your Shaymin and a woman will give you a grecidea.

When can you go to lacunosa town in Pokemon white?

Beat the pokemon league but they are the hardest to beat in the hole game hope I helpd

Where is the giant chasm in Pokemon Black and White?

Just above lacunosa town....Theres a legendary in there named Kyruem,hes Lv.75,So bring ur strongest pokemon;i caught it with a pokeball,or was it ultra ball...anyways,Its above Lacunosa town... >:3

Where is route 13 in pokemon black?

between lacunosa town and undella town

Where is the giant chasm on white?

Near Lacunosa Town it is off to the right. There is a big rock blocking your way so you have to go around the rock.

How do you get to lacunosa town in Pokemon black?

Beat the Pokemon league!

Where to get Kyuren?

Giant Chasm on Route 13 east of Lacunosa Town

What is the name of the Pokemon that terrorizes lacunosa town in Pokemon black?

it is kyruem

How do you get to Lacusna city in Pokemon White?

Lacunosa Town is accessed after you complete the main story, so if you go right from Opelucid City and follow the Marvelous Bridge etc., you'll find it!

Can you migrate the Gracidea from Pokemon Platinum to Pokemon White?

No, items can't be migrated, but if you migrate Shaymin across, take it to Lacunosa Town's Pokemon centre, a woman inside will give you the Gracidea.