Beat the pokemon league but they are the hardest to beat in the hole game hope I helpd
yes you can go to anville town which is the brown train ^-^
You cannot catch a Shaymin in Pokemon White. However, if you migrate a Shaymin from a Gen IV game, you can get the Gracidea flower to make it sky forme. Go to Lacunosa City (east of Opelucid City after you beat the game) and there will be a girl in the Pokemon center who talks about the Gracidea flower. Talk to her with Shaymin as the first Pokemon in your party and she will give you the Gracidea. (it may not work if you have a hacked, non-event shaymin.
you go to solance town
After you defeat N and Ghetsis, go to Undella Town and a girl will give you the HM Dive.
Well, in order to dive you have to have an HM that is Dive, teach it to your Pokemon, and then you have to win the Pokemon league to go to Undella town. Once your at Undella town, surf on the water and you see these really dark waters. Click on it ( or press A) and you will go in this secret pyramid and go inside and you have to treasure hunt. They have time on you, so hunt quickly!!
You go to Lacunosa town with your Shaymin and a woman will give you a grecidea.
yes but u have to beat the pokemon leage and N and go 2 lacunosa town then go 2 a place with hills (left) and go in the DARK grass and youll rarely c it.
yes, after you have beaten the elite 4 and go to the transfer building near lacunosa town.
Lacunosa Town is accessed after you complete the main story, so if you go right from Opelucid City and follow the Marvelous Bridge etc., you'll find it!
go to white forest,next go to undella town,next go to lacunosa town, go to route 5 to meet Cheren and go to the very top of victory road inside and you will meet Cheren then talk to him and one of the elite fours will come, finally go to Pokemon league and battle them and defeat champion alder and when your done battle Cynthia in undella town in the first house.
Go to Lacunosa town (only acessable after beating the game) in the pokemon center there is a girl on your left who will give you a gracidea flower but only if you have must trade a "fateful encounter" shaymin from diamond, pearl, platinum, heartgold, or soulsilver. then show it to a woman in the pokemon center in lacunosa town and she will give you a gracidea flower
When you go to Twist Mountain and have to battle Cheren, Alder will give it to you soon after you beat Cheren.
Near Lacunosa Town it is off to the right. There is a big rock blocking your way so you have to go around the rock.
You go to the giant chasm left of lacunosa town, and through the cave, there will be a clearing. Go oround the edge to spiral around until you get to the center. Kyurem will make it snow, and then go up until you rind a cave, where he will be waiting at level 75.
You go to Lacunosa town, go right from there and hug the top of the route. As in, where you can go up, go up.
Lacunosa Town Undella Town Mistralton City Driftveil City Lentimas Town Nimbasa City Route 5 Route 6 Route 7 Route 9 Route 11 Route 12 Route 13 Route 14 Route 16 Oh This go for Curtis too
Kyurem is found in Giant Chasm, close to Lacunosa Town.