when you complete the main story go to white forest then the first house you see go in there will be four people standing on a rug the move deleter will be one of them.
Find the move deleter.
Nowhere. you can find the Black city in pokemon black and White forest in pokemon white. YOu can't got to the white forest in pokemon black
you get zekrom in Pokemon white version and resheriham in Pokemon black.(in my oppinion, it should be the other way around, zekrom in Pokemon black, and resheriham in Pokemon white version) IT IS JUST LIKE PUTTING DIALGA IN POKEMON PEARL AND PALKIA IN POKEMON DIAMOND.
Yes, there is a Pokemon Black and White Pokesav program created.
No, it is a version exclusive to Pokemon White. You'll have to trade it from someone who has that version.
The Move Deleter in Pokemon Black & White is in Mistralton City.
Find the move deleter.
pokemon white is hareder than pokemon black
Pokemon white reshiram is on black
In Pokemon Black Version the legendary is Reshiram and Pokemon White its Zerkrom.The only way to get both is to transfer Zerkrom to Pokemon Black Version or Reshiram to Pokemon White Version.
Inside the house to the east of the Pokemon center. There is also the move deleter, too.
Nowhere. you can find the Black city in pokemon black and White forest in pokemon white. YOu can't got to the white forest in pokemon black
Pokemon Black Version & Pokemon White Version.
Keldo comes in pokemon black and white version 2
Pokemon Black Version and Pokemon White Version are the same game, except for the pokemon that are available to catch and for certain areas.
No, you have to trade it from white version
You need the white version