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Firstly you need teak logs, then you need some gp around 1k (I don't know the price to change from teak log to plank) and then go to lumber yard. (Go to east gate of varrock then go North East) then talk to the dude in the log place and TaDa after you pay him you've got yourself planks (teak) oh and this is members only.


Don't bring the teak logs noted it won't work

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Q: How do you make teak planks on RuneScape?
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There is no magic planks in runescape. Only plank, oak plank, teak plank and mahogany plank.

How much does it cost to make teak planks on runescape?

Sawmill Guy:350 If you have teak logs, G.E 450-500gp Each; My Construction Lv is 41 and my house is worth 2.89mil.

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you can't get free oak planks on runescape now stop being a noob and make them yourself. -.-

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Make planks.

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you can find planks at high level wilderness in ftp but however if you are a ptp you can go north east of varrock to the saw mill to make planks out of logs.

How much xp teak logs runescape?

You will get 85 experience for each teak log you get from woodcutting.

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Planks are outside of Varrok in the Lumberyard. You have to be a member to SMITH nails.

Where do you get the wooden planks in RuneScape?

You can get planks from the grave yard in the wilderness. But if you are a member, get em from the saw mill.

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A saw, hammer, nails (of any type), planks, and a clockwork bench at your house.

How many wooden planks do you need for dragon slayer in runescape?

3 planks and 90 nails.

What is the easiest way of making money on runescape?

Teak Logs.

In runescape what is the cheapest way to get oak planks?

The cheapest way to makeoak planks are to chop the oaks yourself and take them to the sawmill. You may also send servants to the sawmill to convert them into planks which is more expensive; Also the Plank Make spell from the Lunar spellbook may be use by players who have completed the Lunar Diplomacy and Dream Mentor quests, and have level 86 Magic. The plank make spell is the quickest way to make planks but the cost of the runes is high.