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The cheapest way to makeoak planks are to chop the oaks yourself and take them to the sawmill. You may also send servants to the sawmill to convert them into planks which is more expensive; Also the Plank Make spell from the Lunar spellbook may be use by players who have completed the Lunar Diplomacy and Dream Mentor quests, and have level 86 Magic. The plank make spell is the quickest way to make planks but the cost of the runes is high.

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Q: In runescape what is the cheapest way to get oak planks?
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Some good places to cut oak trees in RuneScape for free to play players include the two locations East Draynor Village and South-West of Varrock West Bank. For pay to play players, a good spot to chop down oak trees is the Tree Gnome Stronghold. Oak tree chopping is not a good way to get money in RuneScape however, but is good for training Woodcutting levels.

Where do you find wooden planks and steel nails on runescape?

You would be best off to buy them through the Grand Exchange. But if you insist on doing it the hard way... Planks: You can get logs exchanged for planks at the sawmill (for a fee). Steel Nails: You can make nails through Smithing. You will need a steel bar and a Smithing level of 34. One steel bar will yield 15 nails.

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calculate all the supplies you will need, bring them noted, bring a saw hammer and nails, hire a servant from the guild in Ardougne then teleport to your house; your servant will unnote the items make sure you have plenty of money with youAnswer:One Of The Best And Most Used Ways To Level Up Construction Is To Buy As Many Oak Planks As You Can, Move Your House To Yanile And Depending On Your Level Make Rather Oak Larders Or Oak Doors. Also To Lessen The Expense You Could Try Using Sc Hammers.If You Are Low On Money You Could Also Try Limestone Fireplaces, They Are Slower Xp But Are Much More Cost Effective Than Oak Larders Or Doors. Anyway I Hope I Helped!That is a very good way, but I have just recently noticed and found out, because construction is my favourite skill, the best and cheapest way to get construction is, seems to carved oak tables, until you can make carved teak tables. Hope I helped a bit =D!

What is the quickest way to make money in adventure quest?

you buy 50k worth of oak logs, and bank it. go to the east varrok bank and withdraw 27 oak logs and 7k. run to the sawmill operator and get the logs made into planks. you will end up with 150k

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How do you get 99 FM in RuneScape?

Burn maple logs once you are able to....then keep doing that to 99. This is the cheapest way to get 99 FM if you feel like spending alot of money then use higher ranked logs.

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What cooking planks are good for planking vegetables?

I use Superior Planks who operate out of Madeline Island in Lake Superior, Wisconsin. Their planks are pretty reasonable and they are produced in a very green manner - www.superiorplanks .com I prefer to use their Smoky Red Oak for most all veggies - particularly asparagus and portobello mushrooms. But the Sweet Sugar Maple is fantastic for Tempeh and Tofu. We have also done rice-stuffed red peppers on Maple and it was a really great meal. You can plank anything - not just fish and meat. It is a great way to enjoy vegetables and veggie dishes in a different way.