Well if you want the slowest xp but the cheapest way to 99 crafting. Well here it is, 1-99 cut opals all the way but this will take a while as in (5 months) you will need to cut atleast 1m opals but it can make you some money depending on the price of them.
here's the best way to get a high level runescape acount. make an acount train all skills to 70 then train bandits till you have 99 in every combat skill. now you have a high level runescape acount :)
I would say an Ibis is the best way to level summoning in terms of Shards used and exp given.
The best way to fish on runescape is to use a net or a fishing rod and bait in draynor. Then it is easy to bank your fish
Seriously, the fastest way from level 90-99, is Soul Wars. It takes 2 weeks to get the 1000 points and every 100 points gets you a level.
The best way is crafting natures. Also go north of Falador and find the temple of Zamarock. Get the wine. But you need law and air runes. And watch out for the monks. You can get about 2k each as of 7/2/2012. You get about 56k per full inventory.
Craft things....
Making Leather stuff up to the reequired level, look at the highest level leather item you can do and use that to work your way up, that's how I got mine up.
I have placed some links below in the "Related Links" section that should be able to provide you more details.
There is no cheat for Runescape, however the bestest way to make money is by Crafting Nature Runes.
There is no best way, just change monsters as you level up. edit: this guy is a dick thanks mister know it all
Level up WoodCuting on 60lv and sell YAW
As of February 15th making urns is the best way to get xp, and the best place to make that is the barbarian village now that there s clay mine right next to it and a well and furnace, and if your if your lvl is 40 or over than the crafting guild is a better place to make them.
here's the best way to get a high level runescape acount. make an acount train all skills to 70 then train bandits till you have 99 in every combat skill. now you have a high level runescape acount :)
It depends what level you are at the time. It also depends on membership or non-membership.
Click on the Crafting skill; anything you do with the Crafting skill with raise your Crafting level, so you can choose anything that is at your current level, or lower. The fastest way to raise the skill is to cut gems, but that is also the most expensive way, so you may want to try one of the other methods. Making different types of rings is one way to earn money while you train Crafting.
I would say an Ibis is the best way to level summoning in terms of Shards used and exp given.
For someone your level the best way to get experience is to train on moss giants until you are around level 60-ish, don't forget to collect then bones if you want to earn a bit of cash at the Grand Exchange.