Planks are outside of Varrok in the Lumberyard. You have to be a member to SMITH nails.
You would be best off to buy them through the Grand Exchange. But if you insist on doing it the hard way... Planks: You can get logs exchanged for planks at the sawmill (for a fee). Steel Nails: You can make nails through Smithing. You will need a steel bar and a Smithing level of 34. One steel bar will yield 15 nails.
you can't get free oak planks on runescape now stop being a noob and make them yourself. -.-
You can get planks from the grave yard in the wilderness. But if you are a member, get em from the saw mill.
Planks can't be used for anything in f2p except for the dragon slayer quest and selling them. In p2p they can be used to build things in houses.
The cheapest way to makeoak planks are to chop the oaks yourself and take them to the sawmill. You may also send servants to the sawmill to convert them into planks which is more expensive; Also the Plank Make spell from the Lunar spellbook may be use by players who have completed the Lunar Diplomacy and Dream Mentor quests, and have level 86 Magic. The plank make spell is the quickest way to make planks but the cost of the runes is high.
3 planks and 90 nails.
A saw, hammer, nails (of any type), planks, and a clockwork bench at your house.
You would be best off to buy them through the Grand Exchange. But if you insist on doing it the hard way... Planks: You can get logs exchanged for planks at the sawmill (for a fee). Steel Nails: You can make nails through Smithing. You will need a steel bar and a Smithing level of 34. One steel bar will yield 15 nails.
There are several types of staircases. For example, an oak staircase requires no nails - but it requires 10 oak planks and 4 steel bars.
you can't get free oak planks on runescape now stop being a noob and make them yourself. -.-
There is no magic planks in runescape. Only plank, oak plank, teak plank and mahogany plank.
You can get planks from the grave yard in the wilderness. But if you are a member, get em from the saw mill.
all you need is "100+nails, money, planks, saw, and a hammer, then you talk to the constucting master, located at camelot, you buy a house, i think 5k or more.
The most used nail in runescape are streel nails.
Make planks.
you can find planks at high level wilderness in ftp but however if you are a ptp you can go north east of varrock to the saw mill to make planks out of logs.
If you're talking about Dragon Slayer, you can't buy any boat. You have to repair Ned's boat with a few planks and nails. If you're talking about something else, well I'm sorry but the boats are not for sale.