must be a member and increase you fletching skill by cutting down normal logs and and using a knife or something else (i cant remember) and slowly get better and better.
then you can get flax of the flax fields fron seers village from camoloet and turn it in to bow string at the weaver station near by (ask people where to go if you cant find it)
then you can add bowstrings to your bow(u) an then it will be a bow.
now that was a mouthful
From Xlllx3
P.s if you do have any difficulty im really sorry but i tried my best to remember how to do it.
ok yes it is a knife just use the knife on the logs but if your just starting fletching you cant make bows yet you can only make arrows until you increase your fletching skill you can just get bronze bars and go to anvil them into arrow tips then siply use the arrow tips with the unfinised arrows then obtain some red feathers an use those to finnish them. then just follow the insuctions above givin by Xlllx3
from c25theman
>you can get fletching up in runescape really just take time and money to star off. from lvl 1-10 do arrow shafts 10-20 make short bows 20-30 do long bows 30 until maples do willows maples until 70 then 70-85 do yew long bows and then high alch them 85-99 magic longs can be sold in ge or 70-99 do yew longs and high alch. u should make mills when u are done. good luck on getting 99....
It is currently impossible to get any more training bows in RuneScape. They used to be given out by the Ranged Combat Tutor in Lumbridge and sold by Beefy Bill, but these options have since been discontinued from the game. The only arrows that can be used with the training bows are training arrows, which have also been discontinued. This renders the training bow useless and as a cosmetic only weapon now as once the arrows have been used up, there is no way to shoot with the training bow.
You don't get xp from the bow itself, as arrows are the ammo and what do the damage.. so therefor arrows would give more experience.
ask people to make a account or advertise runescape on the web
Crystal bow (fully charged) , Dark bow , Rune C Bow, Chaotic C bow, Magic longbow (sighted), seercul bow .
to make millons in runescape just buy yew logs then flecht them to yew long bows (u) then buy bow stirng and make them 2 yew long bows. add me zoofool101 for more help.
Shortbows shoot faster. Longbows are somewhat more accurate, and have a longer range.
There are many different places in runescape to get bows. Most commonly you can them from the Grand Exchange. Another place is at archery stores, these you can find just about anywhere in runescape. Lastly, sometimes but not very often, particular monsters drop bows. I'm not sure which ones but they do get dropped. In varrock there is an archery shop. It sells arrows, Armour for archers and bows and arrows. It is close to the varrock sewers entrance.
String is a very general term and can refer to bow string, crossbow string, and/or magic string. Bow strings are used in RuneScape to make bows or crossbows in RuneScape with the appropriate Fletching skill and magic string is used in RuneScape to create Nature Amulets with the Crafting skill with the appropriate level required.
First cut a log into an unstrung bow, then use flax on a spinning wheel to make bow string, then use the bow string on the unstrung bow to make a finished bow. You will require a higher fletching level to make better bows.
>you can get fletching up in runescape really just take time and money to star off. from lvl 1-10 do arrow shafts 10-20 make short bows 20-30 do long bows 30 until maples do willows maples until 70 then 70-85 do yew long bows and then high alch them 85-99 magic longs can be sold in ge or 70-99 do yew longs and high alch. u should make mills when u are done. good luck on getting 99....
you go into the Phoenix gang hidehout once you are a member and look around
You can't make watches in Runescape.
You cannot make a server on runescape!
In Varrock there is an archery shop. It sells arrows, armor for archers and bows and arrows. It is close to the Varrock sewers entrance.
It is currently impossible to get any more training bows in RuneScape. They used to be given out by the Ranged Combat Tutor in Lumbridge and sold by Beefy Bill, but these options have since been discontinued from the game. The only arrows that can be used with the training bows are training arrows, which have also been discontinued. This renders the training bow useless and as a cosmetic only weapon now as once the arrows have been used up, there is no way to shoot with the training bow.
No, you cannot make partyhats in RuneScape.