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You have to be alert if the time of returning from work is late , the cell rings and she wants to prevent you from hearing it. Also the way she well dress and spend on conmetics , which she never did before. or she started getting new gifts.

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Q: How do you know if your woman is cheating?
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How can you know if she is cheating with a woman?

Ask her.

How do you know when a woman is cheating?


How will you know if a woman is cheating?

If she cringes at your touch or blows off your attempts at intimacy she could be cheating.

How do you know if he is cheating now?

you could see him with another woman. durh?

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i really dont know if he is cheating on her she is a pretty woman for somebody to be cheating on her he is wrong

How do you know if women is cheating?

If your woman is not afraid to take calls near you and is always home in time, then chances are high that she is not cheating.

How do you know if your woman is cheating on you?

Ask her. If you can't tell she is lying, she isn't the one for you.

If in your heart you know your man is cheating should you confront the woman that you suspect.?

no. The one you should confront is your man. And if he is cheating it's his loss.

How do you tell woman cheat?

You can tell that a woman is cheatin,because if you know that you have been the worst man you can be and she is walking around with a smile on her face then she is cheating. Unless she is a patient woman.

Is it cheating if a bisexual man cheats on a woman with another man?

Yes. Cheating is cheating.

Why would she think you are cheating if she has no clues?

Woman intuituon. . .and a wife always know when something isnt right

Should a cheating wife confess to her lover's wife?

It depend to how long and how it started, but yes she needs to confess to this woman. Especially if this woman doesn't know what's going on. And what about the cheating wife's husband, what did he do to be betrayed by her. If the cheating wife and the cheating husband are having a wonderful time hiding their affair, do remember what goes around comes around.