If He is at a place for a long time he says im going to the store it's 1;00 he comes back 9;00 that is when u know someone is cheating on u
if he is cheating he will act in a different manner
cheating is doing anything you wouldnt want your wife/husband or girlfriend/boyfriend to know about
i do not know it but happy cheating
The only way you can get it without cheating is by trading a guy in the game for it
the answer is no. marissas dont cheat! they only love i know cause ima' marissa(:
To know if a guy is cheating on his long distance fiance one has to keep a watch over them. One has to read the signs of cheating if there are any. One has to read the speech etc to know that.
Ask her if shes cheating on you! Nah im kidding i dont know sorry ? :( and im a guy
tell them you don't know that their girl is cheating!! Unless your the guy sneaking around with her!!!
then he must be cheating on you if he has a girlfriend? i mean if he likes you and has a gf then he must be cheating and wanting you?
ditch him!! hun just confront him, let him know that you know he is cheating then dump his sorry butt. you can find a better guy. Trust me, been there, went through it and actually found a guy i really really like
You will know if your guy is dating someone else because he will be less available to you. You can find out if he's cheating on you by hiring someone to follow him or by simply asking him.
DONT go out with him you wont know if he is cheating or not sorry :(
Well, if you hear gossip about it... unfortunately its probably true.
Friend of mine had this to say: Give him a bath when first you meet up. If his ba..s float, he's been cheating.
no shes not cheating but she is a lucky girl and needs to let her bf know and let him get in the action
tell the friend that they are cheating on what is going on and then let tham make the decision from their because it is their buisness to know what is goijng on and you dont want to see your friend get hurt.
if he is cheating he will act in a different manner