actually you can (sort of), just open farm assets and scroll down to the bottom, you should an icon with a hoe, just click it and you'll see the types of items you've shipped and the numbers shipped, you have to count the total number of items yourself I'm afraid
Items made out of Thermoplastics include: Plastic Bags Water Bottles Chairs There are many more but these are the ones I know.
Yes . You have to have that many to get married .
ALL 101
Minecraft actually doesn't support fire (used to make chainmail armor) as obtainable in survival, although mods like Single Player Commands, and Too Many Items can be used, although they are means of cheating.
One to three without items and Pokerus, up to, I think, eight with Pokerus and the right items. Go to Bulbapedia if you want to know which Pokemon give you which EVs.
Combining many items in one box and then shipping them is combined shipping. Multiple shipping would mean different items are shipped in several boxes, usually from different places with a shipping charge for each item. Or it can mean many items shipped from the same location at different times.
I don't think you need to ship items to get a horse. I believe it was 7th day when you start playing Harvest Moon that you will get a horse from a guy who lives next to you
form_title= Cross Country Shipping form_header= Ship your items across the country with ease. Where will the items be shipped to?*= _ [50] How many items do you need shipped?*= {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, More than 10} Do you plan on shipping fragile items?*= () Yes () No
A good online source for buying herb plants is Garden Harvest Supply. They offer many different herbs that are shipped in 3 inch pots.
There are many places one might purchase horse racing books at a discount. Amazon is one of your best choices, especially when requiring items to be shipped to the United Kingdom.
go to harvest sprites casino talk to leader guy and change medals for items there should be something to buy that tells you peoples love and friendship points for you but this is for harvest moon ds but it should be there in harvest moon ds cute
i dont know someone answer it plz
There are not that many Harvest Sprites in any of the PSP Harvest Moon games. The only Harvest Moon games to have that many Harvest Sprites are for the DS.
There are a little over 145 items on the menu currently
I don't really know but you can search it up. Google 'Harvest moon tree of tranquility candace' and you will get many sites and i think there you will find many things she likes;)
Pick and pack services are used for big companies that sell many different products. Items are picked from them shelves and packed into boxes and shipped to the customer.
There are many different websites that can help you calculate the price for shipping, such as The prices will differ based on your office's location, and the size of the items being shipped.