Items made out of Thermoplastics include:
Plastic Bags
Water Bottles
There are many more but these are the ones I know.
compassesmagnets to hold cabnets shut
Some household items beginning with 'sh' are:ShelvesShampooSheetsShower
"Which Household items begin with the letter t?" The word 'Household' doesn't need capitals. Correct spelling and grammar:"Which household items begin with the letter t?" Here is a list of household items that begin with the letter t: toilet table timer thimble teacup tablecloth
Some household items starting with the letter R are:refrigeratorrange
Thermoplastic materials are commonly used to make various products such as plastic bottles, food containers, toys, and medical devices. They are also used in automotive parts, cables, and household items like kitchen utensils and storage containers.
swords knives
computers and fridge magnets
A washing up bowl is typically made from polypropylene, which is a durable and lightweight type of plastic commonly used for household products.
compassesmagnets to hold cabnets shut
Ones that have a wonderful little stickers on them that say "Made In Russia"
Granite counter tops
Pewter can be made into tableware or decorative objects.