dupe repair hammers and fix everything you can. when you kill someone fix their stuff too and just toss it on the ground
you cant
annoying isn't it! the easiest way would be to pick conguration as a major skill, that way its already at 25.
hold r1 or right bumper
when u r in any plane of oblivion just look up at the tower and you'll c a orangish line go into that 1 n make your way up to the top(on the kvatch 1 u hav to kill a sigil key keeper) then when u get to the top remove the sigil stone.
( http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Mysticism ) look under Skill Increases
If you mean your Characters speed, then you have to upgrade your Athletics skill.
summon the basic, weak skeleton. get a novice turn undead spell, which you would of probably started out with(talking about both spells) keep casting the turn undead spell on the skeleton. Your conjuration will raise FAST.
A file for the Oblivion Mod Manager, or OBMM. An OMOD is a completely packaged mod, which you can easily install using OBMM. Look up OBMM for more information.
Using the console command ~ you can alter many aspects of the game. Although this particular cheat is not going to mess you up... You still must use caution when using the console commands. You can easily mess up a future quest and be stuck in the game later on. The command advskill <skill> <nn> will give you a skill level up and advlevel will give you a level up. Another useful console command is completequest <questid> for when you just want to get past a quest and move on.
Just pick conjuration as a major skill and go to an inn or any place with a bed and just keep summoning things, when your magicka runs out, sleep for an hour.
A file for the Oblivion Mod Manager, or OBMM. An OMOD is a completely packaged mod, which you can easily install using OBMM. Look up OBMM for more information.
Sell things.
you use them
you cant
you press the button with the ~ on it and type in cheats. if you need cheats just google oblivion cheats