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action replay is best

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Q: How do you get unlimited Master Balls on Pokemon Diamond and Pearl?
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How do you cheat unlimited master balls in Pokemon emerald?

You can't have unlimited master balls although u can give the master ball to a Pokemon and duplicate it at battle frontier

How do you get Unlimited Masterballs on Pokemon Pearl?

you get unlimited master balls by using action replay and put on master balls x999

How can you get unlimited master balls in Pokemon firered?

You can't.

In Pokemon diamond what pokeball do you need to get heatran?

You really don't need a special pokeball but if you have a AR you can get unlimited master balls and that is what i used

How do you get unlimited master balls in Pokemon firered?

You can't!you have to cheat

If you have the Pokemon modifier but it only gives you arceus on Pokemon Diamond?

Get rid of some of the master balls! the number of master balls you have is the number of the pokemon

What is the cheat for unlimmitted master balls?

Master balls are the best kind of Pokeballs you can get on the game Pokemon. The cheat for unlimited master balls is to use the Missing No glitch.

How do you get unlimited master balls on Pokemon pearl without AR?

you can't.

How do you get a unlimited supply of master balls on Pokemon sapphire?

with cheat code.

How do you get unlimited master balls in pearl and diamond?

acton replay is ony way SOS :-]

What if you used your MB how can you get another 1 for Pokemon Pearl?

You can get an action replay and get the 999 master balls cheatand have unlimited master balls!

How do you get infinity master balls on Pokemon diamond?

You get it with an action replay