you get unlimited master balls by using action replay and put on master balls x999
The only you can get unlimited masterballs is to use an Action Replay deivce. It's sold at places like Walmart.
Well, this is if you have Pokemon Emerald and LeafGreen AND you know how to duplicate in Emerald, then follow these steps. It'll take some time though. (You need a MasterBall in Emerald too.)1. In Emerald, make ANY Pokemon of yours HOLD a masterball.2. Then, duplicate that Pokemon the number of masterballs you want. (EX. I want 10 masterballs, so I duplicate it nine times. {remember, it's counting the one you already have})3. Take the masterballs from the multiple Pokemon.4. trade Pokemon that are holding masterballs to leafgreen.Sorry I didn't give you UNLIMITED but that's all I have. Oh and also, don't use ALL your masterballs, then you can't duplicate any more. So I hope this helped!!Materials:-two Pokemon games-two game consoles-trading cable
u can win masterballs in the lottery but it take a while to get 999 of them
action replay is best
INFINITY MASTERBALLS just do my trick Trade pokemon for pokemon holding masterballs take them away and trade for your pokemon back
Not possible.
The only you can get unlimited masterballs is to use an Action Replay deivce. It's sold at places like Walmart.
action replay
You have to get a codebreaker and put in the master code. Then you have to find the code for infinite masterballs on the computer.
Well, first place in the lottery in sapphire awards you a masterball so trade with as many people as you can and check it every day! I have two masterballs thanks to this method! Not sure about pearl though.. if you have 2 or more you can give em to a ditto and another Pokemon and breed them. It worked for me i have 999 masterballs LOL
I think the only way to obtain masterballs in pokemon pearl is to use action replay or other cheats. Sorry!
one like all other Pokemon games
You can get only one per game.
u haz to use ACTION REPLAY to get them
clone a pkmn holding one!
Its nearly impossible. I believe you an get a few masterballs by running errands for the guy in the house next to the Pokemon center in Solaceon town in Diamond, Pearl, and platinum.
You can not buy or sell Masterballs in any game. In Diamond and Pearl the Masterball is given to you by the leader of Team Galaxy, after you have defeated them. You get only one from this. So use it wisely.