u can win masterballs in the lottery but it take a while to get 999 of them
it requires an Action Replay. if you can activate without one, then i don't know how to
action replay is best
action replay (cheats)
get an action replay
you need action replay 4 that
You cant you only get one ( without action replay )
you can't
give one to a Pokemon and trade the Pokemon with the master ball.
You cannot get that many master balls without an Action Replay. You are only allowed one per game.
in every pokemon game you get one master ball before the leauge
$#@! no
You can't.
You can't.
you cant
The GTS cloning glitch.
Give your Master Ball to a Pokemon to hold, then clone it in Emerald with the cloning glitch.
u get it off a man in the bilding