You can't have unlimited master balls although u can give the master ball to a Pokemon and duplicate it at battle frontier
you get unlimited master balls by using action replay and put on master balls x999
action replay is best
there is only one and its in the team aqua hideout
Attach your master ball to ONE POKEMON, next CLONE that Pokemon for how many master balls you want. Next detach them, and release all the clones (if you want)
Infinate master balls in pc: c674b60f b309f994
you can use a game shark to get unlimited master balls
first you get amaster ball give the master ball to Pokemon copy that Pokemon over and over again then take the master balls from the Pokemon
you get unlimited master balls by using action replay and put on master balls x999
you could go to the batlle frontier go and clone the Pokemon but first make it hold the master ball until your bag is full
You can't.
you have to clone that Pokemon holding a master ball
Get some kind of hacking thing?
You don't.
you have to get a game shark for your game and insert the game pack inot the shark them select unlimited master balls and you will get them but it wont be unlimited anyway
There is no unlimited Master Balls cheat, but maybe you're talking about using an ActionReplay/GameShark. I wouldn't know about those. There is a way to duplicate Master Balls though, but that is only available in Emerald Version.