You can't have unlimited master balls although u can give the master ball to a Pokemon and duplicate it at battle frontier
Infinate master balls in pc: c674b60f b309f994
INFINITY MASTERBALLS just do my trick Trade pokemon for pokemon holding masterballs take them away and trade for your pokemon back
Rare Candy isn't bought, you find it in Item Balls, or you are given one by the Trick Master.
it is at the end where the 4 poke balls are in the office, with i think a nugget, a master ball and electrode's :)
you have to clone that Pokemon holding a master ball
You don't.
Master Code: D8BAE4D9 4864DCE5 Buy Master Balls Code: 82005274 0001
You can't have unlimited master balls although u can give the master ball to a Pokemon and duplicate it at battle frontier
Clone your Pokemon and give them the master ball
kaleb's cheating device.
In Pokemon marts if you have the action replay or what ever it is for game boy
Make a Pokemon hold the master ball then clone that Pokemon.
Win the lotto 492 times.
You need to transfer from Emerald the mb. You give (Emerald) the Pokemon you are going to clone the master ball (hope you have 1) and then do the battle tower glitch and voila! Here are your master balls. You can use this as many times as you like!