It depends what game you're playing, but in the 3rd and 4th generation I know you can win a Master Ball from the Lottery Drawings, and in the 5th generation by trading with 50 different people and talking to someone in a Pokemon Center.
Get rid of some of the master balls! the number of master balls you have is the number of the pokemon
You can't have unlimited master balls although u can give the master ball to a Pokemon and duplicate it at battle frontier
Attach your master ball to ONE POKEMON, next CLONE that Pokemon for how many master balls you want. Next detach them, and release all the clones (if you want)
you cant get two master ball's in silver
you get it when you defeat the two masters of Pokemon
No you can only get one
Clone a Pokemon holding a Master Ball with the GTS method.
You cannot duplicate Master Balls in any Pokemon game.
no.only if you trade from silver to gold
From what I know, You can't BUY master balls in Pokemon.
you have two clone Pokemon 99 times
Get rid of some of the master balls! the number of master balls you have is the number of the pokemon
Enter these two codes and go to a PokeMart..there..You should be able to buy Master Balls. Master Code: D8BAE4D9 4864DCE5 Buy Master Balls Code: 82005274 0001
Getting master balls without cheating in Pokemon DP is very hard. The only ways are: to win the lottery in Jubilife City, or receive a Pokemon that has a master ball from trading. I have 2 master balls in my game. I traded with a person who had a Pokemon with a master ball.