he is in the very back corner just past the first house you encounter where the lady heals your pokemon he go down the stairs right past that house he'll be in the sand to your left
Route 18
route 18
You get a Larvesta which evolves into a Volcarona
Close to home. Use Surf at route 1, go to the island and head west. You'll find route 17 and 18 past the gate.
You can't, It is only obtainable in Pokemon Black or White. But if you want one in Black or White, a Pokemon ranger will give you an egg of a Larvesta in Route 18 so remember to make room for it!
he will be on route 18
There in route 18
Surf west of route 17.
Route 18.
Route 18.
Route 18
Route 18. Far West of the route.
HM Waterfall can be found on Route 18 in Pokemon Black and White.
you get it in route 18
HM05 Waterfall is on Route 18.
You can find it on route 18.
route 18