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ok so you have to beat lance at the Pokemon league then you have to get all 16 gym badges and finally go to pallet town. And just saying i still have not done all these. I still have not defeated red yet

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Q: How do you get to pallet town in Pokemon soul silver?
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You can get your first pokemon there.

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south of viridian city

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Pallet town

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surf at the south of pallet town

How do get to cinnabar island in Pokemon soul silver?

From Pallet town surf South and it should be there.

How do you get to in pallet town Pokemon soul silver when your in vermillion c?

look, you should know there are alot of restrictions to get to pallet town. beat all the gyms.

Were is pallet town on Pokemon soul silver?

right under Viridian City in the Kanto region. :)

Where is oak soul silver?

He is in Pallet Town.

How do you get to find pallet town in soul silver?

Pallet Town is where it normally is, south of Viridian city.

Pokemon soul silver where is prof oak laboratory in Kanto?

it is in pallet town. it is the building with 4 circle windows.