To get to Sunyshore you need to have 7 badges and follow the story line up to where you need to go up to the top of Mt Coronet, defeated (or capture) Dialgia (or Palkia), then the fat man will allow you to get to Sunyshore.
It is sunny in Sunyshore City.
In Diamond, you can obtain a Water Stone in the underground in Sunyshore City.
Jasmine on the beach in Sunyshore City.
In Sunyshore City, at the edge or the beach (that tiny beach at the tip of Sunyshore) is a girl. Interact with her and she'll give you the HM.
when you are at the town center of sunyshore get upon the roads then stay at your right till you can go up then its the house on your right
In sunyshore city
It is sunny in Sunyshore City.
in pearl and diamond you have to swim there from sunyshore
In Diamond, you can obtain a Water Stone in the underground in Sunyshore City.
spear pillar on diamond, pearl, and platinum.
It is in Sunyshore City.(West of the hotel place)
Sunyshore City
Jasmine on the beach in Sunyshore City.
Go up to the Lighthouse in Sunyshore City. You should see him there. Talk to him and then return to the Gym.
Capture palkia in peral, dialga in diamond, and giritina in platnium
At first go to the top of m.t.coronet,beat team galactic and cath dialga/palkia.Then your path is clear to go to sunyshore.
In Sunyshore City, at the edge or the beach (that tiny beach at the tip of Sunyshore) is a girl. Interact with her and she'll give you the HM.