In Sunyshore City, at the edge or the beach (that tiny beach at the tip of Sunyshore) is a girl. Interact with her and she'll give you the HM.
whirlpool is not classified as a HM in that Pokemon series, only in heartgold/soulsilver is it a HM, in diamond it is only a simple TM (1use)
The move Rock Tomb is a TM, not a HM.
get the HM strength, and teach it to a Pokemon
well, dig isn't a HM in Pokemon diamond, but it is an TM. anyway, you can find it on route 214, inside a cave where you'll find the ruin maniac- the same place where you find hippopotas.
There is no HM Flash on Pokemon Diamond, I personally think its been replaced by HM05 Defog.
The HM dive cannot be acquired in Pokemon diamond.
whirlpool is not classified as a HM in that Pokemon series, only in heartgold/soulsilver is it a HM, in diamond it is only a simple TM (1use)
first of all there like ten Hm
Bibarel + SkuntankorBibarel + Drifblimthere is no hm slave
The HM strength
its waterfall
There is no HM called dive in Pokemon Diamond you fat oaf.
as far as i know there is 8 hm's please be more specific
That HM is called Waterfall.
HM 8 can be obtained in Sunnyshore City.
The move Rock Tomb is a TM, not a HM.
Celestic Town