In Diamond, you can obtain a Water Stone in the underground in Sunyshore City.
The moon stone is used in Pokemon Diamond to evolve certain Pokemon. You can find one by looking in the Underground.
You get a leaf stone underground.
no you can only get a dusk stone on Pokemon diamond and pearlYou can't.
In Pokemon Diamond, there are two locations where a Dusk Stone can be found. The first is in the Galactic Warehouse, and the second is Victory Road.
to evolve certain Pokemon
A Water Stone evolves a Poliwhirl, Shellder, Staryu, Eevee, and Lombre.
what do you mean
an Eevee, use a water stone on it to evolve it into a vaporeonEevee into VaporeonPoliwhirl into PoliwrathLombre into LudicoloShellder into CloysterStaryu into Starmie
you can find one while mining
Thunder stone =Jolteon Water stone = Vaporeon.Fire stone = Flareon.
go underground and keep digging till u find a water stone or a fire stone
To get the Pokemon Poliwrath in Pokemon Diamond version you have to evolve a Polywhirl. To do this, you need to expose it to a water stone.
there is 1 at route13 with surf. or go underground.
you can't you have to get poliwhirl and then use a water stone on it [which is underground]
well you can evolve eevee with a thunder stone,a water stone,a fire stone hope i helped