i heard some one say you bypass the city and beat crasher wake then shell be there without finding her or you can try to find her your choice. I cant find her ether i beat crasher wake and shes still not there.....
The first gym in Pokemon diamond is in Oreburgh City
a gym leader can't teach a Pokemon that move but you have to defeat the 6 gym leader in order to teach that move
in the forest by the 2 gym leader
go into oreburgh mine and talk to gym leader
The third gym leader in poekmon pearl is maylene, a fighting type gym leader.
I have Pokemon platinum the 3rd gym leader always their your probaly just not lucky.
Go to the 3rd gym and battle the gym leader and then u found him
The first gym in Pokemon diamond is in Oreburgh City
The Pokémon the second Gym Leader has in "Diamond" are Cherubi, Turtwig and Roserade.
The 6th gym leader is in Canalave City.
you beat the gym leader
He is in the lighthouse
by winning a contest and by defeating the pastoria gym leader
just beat the fourth gym leader
It is Candace, The Ice-Type Gym Leader.
Go to the lighthouse and the Gym leader should be there.
a gym leader can't teach a Pokemon that move but you have to defeat the 6 gym leader in order to teach that move