Sorry if you didn't know but you cannot get the poke-radar in Pokemon leaf green you may get it in diamonds/pearl
NOTE: You don't need the poke-radar in the game anyways as the rare Pokemon tend to be hidden in the safari zone or in the seva islands
NOTE: If you are wondering how to get to island 8-9 you need to go to a poke mart and click on the sheet next to the section where you pay to buy stuff, then enter 'Link with all' then you need to put your wireless adapter on and get a mystery gift or summing like that. After you will get a ticket which leads you to the islands i was talking about.
NOTE: You will need the ticket to complete the game so you can get HO-HO, Deoxys and lugia.
NOTE: If you choose Bulbasaur as your starter you will encounter Entei. If you choose Squirtle as your starter you get raikou. If you choose Charmander as your starter you encounter Suicune. I would not use your master-ball on them !
as you need it to get the other Legendre's id properly use it on lugia
NOTE: You don't need to cheat to do this you do not need game-shark or action-replay !
Hope i Helped .......
You don't.
The Pokeradar is not an option in Pokemon SoulSilver. The Pokeradar is only available on the Pokewalker accessory that came with your copy of Pokemon SoulSilver. Plus, the Pokeradar was introduced in Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum, not in Gold, Silver, or Crystal.
i don't know but for shiny Pokemon look for the shiny patch of grass with the pokeradar
u cant that i have figured out but beat the elite 4 before u can get the pokeradar
You don't.
pokeradar is only at Pokemon pearl , diamond and platinum.
There is no PokeRadar in HG/SS, unless you count the PokeRadar in the PokeWalker.
No, the Pokeradar cannot be used on water.
It is a PokeRadar Pokemon, which means you have to use the PokeRadar and enter the patches of grass which the PokeRadar indicates. Repels of any kind should be used while using the PokeRadar because you can be interrupted while trying to get to the indicated grass patch. Note that Repels do not repel PokeRadar-indicated Pokemon.
you can't get the pokeradar in Pokemon ruby
Magby can be found in route 227 but you have to use a pokeradar and you HAVE to have Pokemon leafgreen inserted in the ds
You cannot get a Pokeradar in Pok_mon White, nor can you get one in Pok_mon Black. You can only get a Pokeradar in Pok_mon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum
The Pokeradar is not an option in Pokemon SoulSilver. The Pokeradar is only available on the Pokewalker accessory that came with your copy of Pokemon SoulSilver. Plus, the Pokeradar was introduced in Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum, not in Gold, Silver, or Crystal.
the pokeradar searches out Pokemon in the tall grass so you don't run into any Pokemon. by the way you get the pokeradar from professor rowan after getting the national dex.