i don't know but for shiny Pokemon look for the shiny patch of grass with the pokeradar
you need a rare pokeradar you find it on routes 226 and 225.
yo can catch it where you find bagon and stuff but use a pokeradar its rlly rare
You must use the PokeRadar on Route 218. They are kinda rare though.
The Pokeradar is not an option in Pokemon SoulSilver. The Pokeradar is only available on the Pokewalker accessory that came with your copy of Pokemon SoulSilver. Plus, the Pokeradar was introduced in Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum, not in Gold, Silver, or Crystal.
You can Catch them in on the route 206 in Pokemon diamond, pearl, and platinum but is quite rare to catch so you should use a pokeradar in the grass.
there pretty rare but you can find it with pokeradar on route 218
If you go to the TV in Dawn/Lucas' house or ask Dawn/Lucas' little sister she will tell you a rare Pokemon of the day. Or you can use your Pokeradar.
#175 Togepi Rare-PokeRadar Route 230
Go to Fuego Ironworks and use the pokeradar. Very rare
you need a rare pokeradar you find it on routes 226 and 225.
You can find rare Pokemon from other games and even shiny Pokemon! I found a Shiny Hippopotus once :P
you can't get the pokeradar in Pokemon ruby
Use the Pokeradar on Route 218, near Canalave. He is not common but not rare, either.
in stark mountain (not inside) but there are rare (u don't have to use pokeradar)
Rare, you have to use the Pokeradar on Route 230 to find it.
yo can catch it where you find bagon and stuff but use a pokeradar its rlly rare
You must use the PokeRadar on Route 218. They are kinda rare though.