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Q: Can you the pokeradar on water?
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Can you find feebas with a pokeradar?

No, the Pokeradar cannot be used on water.

Where do you get the pokeradar in Pokemon HeartGold?

There is no PokeRadar in HG/SS, unless you count the PokeRadar in the PokeWalker.

Where do you get the red Gyarados in Pokemon diamond?

use pokeradar on a body of water that has lots of gyrados

Why is Ditto is not there where is it?

It is a PokeRadar Pokemon, which means you have to use the PokeRadar and enter the patches of grass which the PokeRadar indicates. Repels of any kind should be used while using the PokeRadar because you can be interrupted while trying to get to the indicated grass patch. Note that Repels do not repel PokeRadar-indicated Pokemon.

What is a pokeradar and how do you get it in the Pokemon LeafGreen?

pokeradar is only at Pokemon pearl , diamond and platinum.

Were do you get the pokeradar to get shiny Pokemon in Pokemon Ruby?

you can't get the pokeradar in Pokemon ruby

How do you get a pokeradar in Pokemon white?

You cannot get a Pokeradar in Pok_mon White, nor can you get one in Pok_mon Black. You can only get a Pokeradar in Pok_mon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum

How do you get the pokeradar in soul silver?

The Pokeradar is not an option in Pokemon SoulSilver. The Pokeradar is only available on the Pokewalker accessory that came with your copy of Pokemon SoulSilver. Plus, the Pokeradar was introduced in Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum, not in Gold, Silver, or Crystal.

What does the pokeradar do?

the pokeradar searches out Pokemon in the tall grass so you don't run into any Pokemon. by the way you get the pokeradar from professor rowan after getting the national dex.

Can you get the pokeradar in Sapphire?


How do you get rare Pokemon with the pokeradar?

i don't know but for shiny Pokemon look for the shiny patch of grass with the pokeradar

Where do you find a pokeradar in pearl?

To get a pokeradar in Pokemon diamond and pearl, you must see all of the sinnoh Pokemon in the game, then go to profeser rowan's lab and talk to him. he will give you a pokeradar and with it you can find Pokemon from other regions.