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In order to get the Ground Form of Burmy which is what you're calling a Sandy Burmy, you must battle with your Burmy in a cave, in ruins or somewhere on any road. I believe battling with it is all you have to do but if not then you might have to lose a battle with it as well.

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Q: How do you get the other sandy burmy?
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Who is Sandy Cloak Burmy?

Sandy Cloak Burmy can be found in level 20 in Pokemon. This Pokemon has the shed skin ability that allows it to heal itself.

What kind of different Burmys are there?

There are three different types. -Plant Cloak Burmy is the one with green leaves -Sandy Cloak Burmy is yellow -Trash Cloal Burmy is pink

How do you get the other forms of wormadam?

To get all the forms of wormadam you need to battle burmy in different places and get it tolevel 20.To get sandy cloak wormadam you have to get burmy to level 20 on a beach or cave.For plant cloak wormadan you need to get burmy to level 20 in grass.For trash cloak wormadam you need to get burmy to level 20 in a building.Once you do this burmy will evolve into wormadam and be one of the 3 different formsdepending on where burmy evolved.

Where can you catch Mothim in Pokemon diamond?

male burmy evovles to mothim at lvl 20 and female burmy evolves to the other form which i do not remember. ----------------------- Female Burmy evolves to Wormadam -------------------------- Male Burmy at level 20 = Mothim Female Burmy at level 20 = Wormadam to sum it all up...

Where can you find a burmy with a sandy cloak in Pokemon soul silver?

Either trade one from a different game, or battle with a plant cloak inside a cave.

How do you get different forms of burmy in Pokemon diamond?

There is only one form of Burmy, and it changes cloaks depending on the last place it battled. It will have the Plant Cloak if it last battled outdoors, Trash Cloak if it last battled in a building, and Sandy Cloak if it last battled in a cave. But once the female Burmy evolves, it keeps the last cloak that it had forever, and bases its types off of the cloak. The cloak does not affect male Burmy or its evolution (Mothim) any any way.

Where is Burmy in Pokemon diamond?

Burmy can be found on honey trees.

IS A shiny burmy a male burmy?

There aren't any differences.

What type of Pokemon is burmy?

Burmy is a bug type Pokémon.

How do you get the trash cloak burmy?

you battle with a burmy in a building(NOT the resteraunt!)

What trainers have a burmy?

some trainers in Eterna City have a Burmy. You can get Burmy by putting honey on a tree, then burmy will eventually go to a tree, and when you go back to the tree, it will be shaking. Burmy isn't the only one that goes to the honey on trees, but that is one way to get it

What level does brumy evolve?

There are four types of evolving form of Burmy: Green (Male, Female) Yellow and Pink. All burmy's will evolve at level 20.GREEN BURMY (Male): Evolves into Mothim.GREEN BURMY (Female): Evolves into a green Wormadam.YELLOW BURMY: Evolves into a yellow Wormadam.PINK BURMY: Evolves into a pink Wormadam.