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First of all, you HAVE to be a member. On puffle rescue, go to the black puffle level. Once you pass level 1, don't go back. Follow the squid shadow and there will be a secret chamber. I SWEAR IM NOT LYING!!

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Q: How do you get the key for the hidden room in the hidden lake?
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What is in the room in the hidden lake?

The room that is in the Hidden Lake is the Underwater room which that is the place that is under the Ice Pond.

How do you get in the secret room in the hidden lake on club penguin?

You completely finish the puffle game and you get a key.

How do you get the key to the door in the hidden lake?

You go to the nighclub. go up to the games room ( i dont know the name of it) play one of the games im not sure which one. after you completed the game you will get the key to the door in the hidden lake

Where do you get the key to the hidden lake room on club penguin?

You go to the mine. You then play puffle rescue. Then play the black puffle version. Then you follow the octupus in the first level and find a secret room to get the black key and a key.

What is the key for on club penguin?

The Hidden Lake

How do you get the key to the hidden lake?

fowllow the shaddow

How do you get the key to the door in the hidden lake in club penguin?

you have to be a member to get the key......go to the mine and play puffle rescue with the black puffle.....on level 1 get the puffle and wait will see a squid ..go on the bubbles it produces onto the island ..go through the door in the island.. you will find yourself in a room .then you will spot the key ..pick it up and go to the hidden lake and enter ... you will find the room

What is behind the door in the hidden lake?

Behind the door lies a hidden room called the underwater room in club penguin. Many girl penguins like to play "mermaids" in this room. There is also a pin in here called "moss key'' pin.

How do you find the key to the hidden lake?

you have to be a member like me

Where is the second key in club penguin?

in the hidden lake

Where is the hidden key for the hidden lake and how do you get it without being a member?

You are not able to get it when you are not a member. Sorry.

What is behind the door in club penguins hidden lake?

he is so joking. maybe he said that because there is treasure there. the real answer is that behind the door is a secret room. there is also a free pin. it is the key that you earned as a pin. when you click on it. it is called the mossy key pin