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You go to the mine. You then play puffle rescue. Then play the black puffle version. Then you follow the octupus in the first level and find a secret room to get the black key and a key.

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Q: Where do you get the key to the hidden lake room on club penguin?
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It is in the room next to the Hidden Lake

How do you get in the secret room in the hidden lake on club penguin?

You completely finish the puffle game and you get a key.

Where is the hidden room at the cove in Club Penguin?

There isn't a secret room at the cove in Club Penguin

How do you get hard hats and drills on clubpenguin?

Well the Club Penguin hard hats are in the room right before you go to the hidden lake!

What is behind the door in the hidden lake?

Behind the door lies a hidden room called the underwater room in club penguin. Many girl penguins like to play "mermaids" in this room. There is also a pin in here called "moss key'' pin.

Is there any behind the door of th hidden lake on club penguin clothes?

Not really, there's only a moss key pin and an underwater room (only for members).

How do you get to the hidden room in Club Penguin?

If you are talking about the hidden room in the dance club, then you would have to go through one of the speakers. If you are talking about the pool, then you would have to go though the sewer that I think is in the town.

Where in the cave is the lake on Club Penguin?

Go into the room where you mine, and walk through the waterfall

Where is the hidden lake Club Penguin?

The Hidden Lake is a room for both members and non-members. It was first opened in the Cave Expedition where you needed to have the Amethyst Pin pin to come in here. It re-opened on March 15, 2010, where you didn't need any items to get in.On the right side of the Hidden Lake, there is a door to the Underwater Room, which is open only to members. As of the Island Adventure Party 2010, there is a permanent entrance to the Hidden Lake from the Forest[1], making it not really "hidden" anymore.

How do you ge to the mermaid cove on club penguin?

The mermaid cove's real room name is the 'Hidden lake'. So you can teleport there, you can go there through the ladder under the rock at the forest, or you can go to the room on the right of the Cove mine.

Were is the hard hat in club penguin?

You get the hard hat in the Cave Mine (the room on the left of the hidden lake and on the up of the Mine, where you drill for coins). Walk to the hard hat that you see and obtain the item.

Where are some hidden things in club penguin?

well, there are some hidden pins in the yearbooks, you have to click on things, there is a hidden room in the epf,and there are other secrets that you will have to find out by expolring!