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you cut it with the sisours from your spy phone

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Q: How do you get the berry from the tree in club penguin?
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Where the tree on mission 2 on club penguin?

the tree i'm not sure which one you are talking about but im think it's the one with the pot. it's at the o berry bush.

Where is the saucepan on Club Penguin?

In a tree

How do you get a Christmas tree on Club Penguin?

you click on the lights in club penguin furniture catalog (2008)

Which tree do you put it in in club penguin?

the second tree on your left

How do you get the pot that is in the tree on club penguin in one of the missions?

You shake the tree

Where is the tree pin on Club Penguin?

The savanna pin on club penguin is in the lodge not the dojo courtyard. The last answer was wrong.

How do you put the camera in the tree in club penguin?

find the right tree and drag it to the tree.

What puffle gose on fire in club penguin?

The black puffle, when it is fed an O' berry.

How do you start the fire in Club Penguin?

When you get the black puffle, you give it a o-berry and there is your fire.

How do you get out of the cage on question for a crab on club penguin?

first you put a berry on the pipe then you put a berry on the water switch then you put another berry on the platform and vuala

What is secret task in mission 2 on club penguin?

Use the broken sled, O-berry and rope to catch a fish in the river, then cook it with the pot in the tree in your cave by making a fire.

On Club Penguin what is the tree for on the iceburg?

its for the Christmas party