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the second tree on your left

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Q: Which tree do you put it in in club penguin?
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How do you put the camera in the tree in club penguin?

find the right tree and drag it to the tree.

Where do you put the spy camera in club penguin mission?

in the tree

Where do you put the secret camera in club penguin?

You put it in the tree near Herbert.

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you click on the treehugye!

How do you put the camera on the tree in club penguin?

first you have to get Herbert's old spy phone then combine it with the camera then put the camera on the tree

How do you build the make shift camera on club penguin?

Put the spyphone and the binoculars together and put it in the tree

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You get your spy phone, put it in the binoculars, and put them in a tree!!

Where is the saucepan on Club Penguin?

In a tree

How do you get a Christmas tree on Club Penguin?

you click on the lights in club penguin furniture catalog (2008)

What everyday object did agent d put a microcomputer in on club penguin?

you go to the coffee shop their is a tree there click on it

How do you put Club Penguin on an i Pad?

just type in club penguin on your i pod

How do you get the pot that is in the tree on club penguin in one of the missions?

You shake the tree