Is sawk a legendary pokemon??
Sawk is found in shaking grasses on routes where throh can be found normally in white and in black throh is found at the same way.
You can catch Sawk at pinwheel forest, before you enter it (where the challenge rock is and all). I believe the encounter rate is pretty low, as I took a while to find one
Throh doesn'y evolve into Sawk,and Sawk doesn't evolve into Throh.They are however,oddly similar.
Defeat the game. You can access Pokemon from W&B now! Now you can get Sawk or Throh or etc.
Sawk is a Fighting type pokemon.
Is sawk a legendary pokemon??
Sawk is #539 in the national pokedex, and it is a Fighting type Pokemon.
Throh doesn't evolve into Sawk at any level because it's not capable of evolving into Sawk.
Sawk is a very good Pokemon. My Sawk is leveled up to 61, and is my strongest Pokemon. His best moves are: Double kick, low kick, and one i don't remember but when u do it, it has the opposite Pokemon with a blue backround and a bunch of orange hands punching them
It is a sawk
Pokemon black
No throh does not evolve. but there is another Pokemon similar to him called sawk.
Sawk is found in shaking grasses on routes where throh can be found normally in white and in black throh is found at the same way.
Route 10, 16, 18 and Pinwheel forest.
Throb does not evolve. Nor does Sawk