After you've completed the Farfetch'd quest in Ilex Forest, talk to the man who is standing near Farfetch'd. He will give you the HM CUT. Use it on one of your pokemon, and cut the nearest tree that prevents you from advancing in the forest. Walk through the path, and you'll see a man with purple hair. After going around some of the bigger trees, talk to him and he will give you the TM HEADBUTT. Don't worry, you will not need to battle him.
Tl;dr - in Ilex Forest
Hope this helped.
You cannot headbutt trees in any game except for Gold, Silver, Crystal, Heart Gold, and Soul Silver. You must teach a Pokemon TM 2 in GSC, or teach a Pokemon Headbutt from the Move Tutor in HGSS.
headbutt????????????? )-:)
Headbutt dosn't come in a TM. You can teach a pokemon Headbutt by talking to a guy in a pink shirt in the Illex Forest. You can Headbutt trees (Like an HM) to find certain PoKeMoN.(It vairies where you Headbutt.)
I don't know all of the Pokemon that can learn Headbutt, but I know that Cubone can learn it.
teach a Pokemon headbutt and use it on small trees teach a Pokemon headbutt and use it on small trees
The Headbutt move tutor is located in Ilex Forest.
You cannot headbutt trees in any game except for Gold, Silver, Crystal, Heart Gold, and Soul Silver. You must teach a Pokemon TM 2 in GSC, or teach a Pokemon Headbutt from the Move Tutor in HGSS.
Let a Pokemon learn 'Headbutt' TM, and go up to different trees and Headbutt them. Pokemon will appear, but you will want a 'Pineco'. They evolve into a Fortress.
Pineco is a bug type of Pokemon. You can find one in Pokemon Gold and Silver version by using headbutt on trees.
headbutt????????????? )-:)
Headbutt dosn't come in a TM. You can teach a pokemon Headbutt by talking to a guy in a pink shirt in the Illex Forest. You can Headbutt trees (Like an HM) to find certain PoKeMoN.(It vairies where you Headbutt.)
you get heracross or combees when you headbutt a tree
I don't know all of the Pokemon that can learn Headbutt, but I know that Cubone can learn it.
Slowbro can use Zen Headbutt.
teach a Pokemon headbutt and use it on small trees teach a Pokemon headbutt and use it on small trees
AnswerIf you use Headbutt on a tree in Pokemon Crystal, one of the following Pokemon may appear: SpearowHeracrossAipomEkansHoothootNoctowlSpinarakPinecoLedybaExeggcuteVenonatCaterpieMetapodButterfreeWeedleKakunaBeedrill