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trade a haunter that you alreaddy got to another game when you trade it it will evolve

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Q: How do you get gangar in ruby?
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Is gangar a higher caste?

Gangar are majorly Khatri (kshatriya) from Punjab doaba region. Gangar Jatt/Tarkhan are also there. Most are in farming and trade. But , now no caste should be considered higher or lower.

Does it have to be dark to find a gangar in Pokemon pearl?


How do you get gangar in Pokemon pearl?

you trade haunter with someone

What is a Gangar?

Gengar(Gangar, Japanese name) is a Pokemon that's is kinda evil in a short of why (he looks like this ) he's a ghost-poisen dual type Pokemon. ya hes good ok

What level does hunter evolve into gangar in Pokemon pearl?

IT is a trade evolution.

How do you evolve gangar in Pokemon diamond?

You trade Haunter it it will become a Gengar.

What has the author Amrit Gangar written?

Amrit Gangar is an Indian author, film historian, and curator known for writing about Indian cinema, experimental cinema, and film criticism. He has written extensively on Indian filmmakers like Satyajit Ray, Ritwik Ghatak, and Kumar Shahani. Gangar's works often explore the cultural and socio-political contexts of Indian cinema.

In what level does gangar evolve in Pokemon FireRed?

It doesn't evolve. Gengar is a final evolution.

Where do you fight Gengar?

you have to trade a haunter with one of your friends. during the trade it will evolve into gangar :)

How can hunter evolve into gangar in platinum?

by trading it from one person to another person. hope it helps

Is gangar really a pokemon in Pokemon HeartGold?

Gengar is a ghost-poison type pokemon that evolves from Haunter.

How do you get gangar in Pokemon diamond?

I assume you mean Gengar and you get it by trading a Haunter with someone, once traded it will evolve.