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trade a haunter to one of your friends, then make them give it back, or get a haunter from someone else. NOTE: it wont evolve if its holding an everstone.

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Q: How do you get gangar in Pokemon platinum?
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Where is gangar in Pokemon platinum?

you can trade a Haunter over to a different game and it will evolve when it gets to the other end of the trade.

What trainer has a gangar in Pokemon Platinum?

you can find gengar in victory road as you enter use rock climb and there i a physic train with it but in pearl and diamond fanita has it

Does it have to be dark to find a gangar in Pokemon pearl?


How do you get gangar in Pokemon pearl?

you trade haunter with someone

Is gangar really a pokemon in Pokemon HeartGold?

Gengar is a ghost-poison type pokemon that evolves from Haunter.

What is a Gangar?

Gengar(Gangar, Japanese name) is a Pokemon that's is kinda evil in a short of why (he looks like this ) he's a ghost-poisen dual type Pokemon. ya hes good ok

How can hunter evolve into gangar in platinum?

by trading it from one person to another person. hope it helps

What level does hunter evolve into gangar in Pokemon pearl?

IT is a trade evolution.

How do you evolve gangar in Pokemon diamond?

You trade Haunter it it will become a Gengar.

In what level does gangar evolve in Pokemon FireRed?

It doesn't evolve. Gengar is a final evolution.

How do you get gangar in Pokemon diamond?

I assume you mean Gengar and you get it by trading a Haunter with someone, once traded it will evolve.

How do you get Pokemon gangar on FireRed?

You cant catch it. You can catch a gastly, raise it into a haunter. to make it a gengar, you have to trade it and trade it back