You cannot evolve without trading, you should just trade with lots of people until you get a gangar
You have to trade with a friend at a pokemon center. I suggest trading kadabra for hunter. They will both evolve.
if you have a medicham you can trade a girl in snowpoint city for a hunter and it'll evolve into a gengar. Or, you can trade a hauntur with another trainer and it will evolve.
You have to find your friend, you trade your Haunter with another Pokemon and when the trade is done Haunter will evolve.
Haunter doesn't evolve at a level. It evolves by trading with another trainer.
Haunter doesn't evolve into Gengar by leveling it up. You have to trade it with another player for it to evolve. A good way to do it is to level your Haunter up until it learns the moves you want it to know, then trade it to a friend and then ask your friend to trade it back. Voila!
You have to trade with a friend at a pokemon center. I suggest trading kadabra for hunter. They will both evolve.
To get GENGAR you trade with someone and after the trade is complete haunter will evlove into gengar
To evolve haunter u have to trade it. As soon as it is traded it will evolve into Gengar.
They evolve by trading.
if you have a medicham you can trade a girl in snowpoint city for a hunter and it'll evolve into a gengar. Or, you can trade a hauntur with another trainer and it will evolve.
yes by trading
you can't
Just trade it you don't need an item!
You have to find your friend, you trade your Haunter with another Pokemon and when the trade is done Haunter will evolve.
Haunter doesn't evolve at a level. It evolves by trading with another trainer.
its haunter and u have to trade it then it will evolve just like kadabra and machoke it will evolve into gengar a nasty beast rrod54 the true Pokemon master
im guessing u mean haunter, and u must trade it to evolve it into gengar, which sucks if u dont have anyone to trade with, or are playing a rom.