After you beat the E4 you go to the dragon master in the blackthorn dragon cave.if you have 5 or les Pokemon in your party, BAM! dratini when he shuts up
You find dratini in dragon den at blackthorn city. You can also get it from the old guy in dragon den
Dratini can't learn Extremespeed in LeafGreen, but can learn it through breeding and as a prize in Crystal, HeartGold and SoulSilver. After answering all the Dragon Master's questions correctly in the Dragon Shrine, a Dratini with Extremespeed will be given as a prize.
yes, in the dragon's den. although, it wont be very strong. your best bet is a super rod
dratini can learn moves like wing attack the coolest attack he has is when he is a dragonite then it learns hyper beam in Pokemon heartgold/soulsilver, its possible to make dratini learn fly WITHOUT an action replay or hacking. just get a salamance that knows fly and a dragonite and breed them. if you are lucky, you will hatch a dratini that knows fly lol
actually, you cannot find a wild dragonite. However, you can get a dratini or a dragonair. Both in which you can find by surfing at the Dragon's Den. A dratini evolves into dragonair at level 30. Then finally into dragonite at level 55. you also can go to goldenrod city and play in the gamehouse if you have 2100 points you can get a dratini from level 15
in 1 of the water maps you will find a dratini.
you cant
The dragon's den in Blackthorn city
in the dragons den. its in blackthorn behind the gym.
On the water in the dragons den behind the blackthorn city gym.
get dratini or dragonair in dragons den and level it up
dragons den in blackthorn city surfing if you mean dratini
cathc dratini or dragonair in dragons den and level it up
Dratini are found in Dragon's Den, they are around lvl 11-15, when you beat the Pokemon league speak to the old man in the Dragon's Shrine and he will give you a lvl 15 dratini for free. It evolves into Dragonair at lvl 35 and into Dragonite at lvl 55! Good Luck!
You'll need to Surf in Dragon's Den or use a Good Rod/Super Rod in Dragon's Den.
Dratini can't learn Extremespeed in LeafGreen, but can learn it through breeding and as a prize in Crystal, HeartGold and SoulSilver. After answering all the Dragon Master's questions correctly in the Dragon Shrine, a Dratini with Extremespeed will be given as a prize.
You can get it in dragons den in water, or in dragons den an old man will give you one after a quiz. by the way, dratini evolves into dragonair at lvl 30 then dragonite at lvl 55
yes, in the dragon's den. although, it wont be very strong. your best bet is a super rod