Dratini can't learn Extremespeed in LeafGreen, but can learn it through breeding and as a prize in Crystal, HeartGold and SoulSilver. After answering all the Dragon Master's questions correctly in the Dragon Shrine, a Dratini with Extremespeed will be given as a prize.
A typlosion can learn explsion
All Pokemon with a water-type can learn it. There are some other Pokemon that can learn it, but mostly water-Pokemon.
It can't learn that move cause it doesn't exist in leafgreen.
it is very rare that a furret can even learn extremespeed.
Any ghost type Pokemon can learn it.
All I know of is Arcanine
Growlithe cannot learn extremespeed.
A typlosion can learn explsion
Dragonair does not learn Dragon Rush in Pokemon Leafgreen. However, it can learn the move in Pokemon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum at level 39.
learn how to spell.
All Pokemon with a water-type can learn it. There are some other Pokemon that can learn it, but mostly water-Pokemon.
it is very rare that a furret can even learn extremespeed.
It can't learn that move cause it doesn't exist in leafgreen.
he can learn zap cannon
the ferry at velmiron
Any ghost type Pokemon can learn it.