yes, in the dragon's den. although, it wont be very strong. your best bet is a super rod
In Pokemon Crystal you can find Dratini in Dragon's Den and Route 45. To find and catch Dratini you will need to use the Good Rod or Super Rod.
magickarp goldeen psyduck hope this helps :)
Go into the Dragon's Den, and surf OR fish with the Super Rod and keep it up and after a while you will find one. It is easier to find a Dratini and just evolve it.
after u defeated Claire she will sent u to the dragon's den there use a old rod and u will get a dratini.
catch a chinchou with a good rod you get in olovine city and evolve it at level 27
You'll need to Surf in Dragon's Den or use a Good Rod/Super Rod in Dragon's Den.
In Pokemon Crystal you can find Dratini in Dragon's Den and Route 45. To find and catch Dratini you will need to use the Good Rod or Super Rod.
a good rod and/or a super rod
you get the super rod on route 12 in kanto.cheers
You can catch them by the Waterfall in Mt. Coronet using a Super Rod (after obtaining the National Dex and by Surfing in Sendoff Spring and good rod in Victory Road (optional) You can migrate from FR/LG/E if you have a Dratini in FR/LG or Emerald.
magickarp goldeen psyduck hope this helps :)
when you have a master rod use it in mt coronet and a dratini may appear
To catch a Metapod in Pokemon SoulSilver (And in Pokemon HeartGold as well), you have to enter the Bug Catching Contest at The National Park on Tuesdays, after you obtain the National Pokedex.
Go into the Dragon's Den, and surf OR fish with the Super Rod and keep it up and after a while you will find one. It is easier to find a Dratini and just evolve it.
Its in olivine city in the building above the pokecenter
the safari zone in the water with a super rod
Use a super rod in the safari zone