There is not a Calm Sea in Blue Rescue Team, bu there is a Grand Sea, Far-Off Sea, and Stormy Sea. Sorry.
Boy= calm Girl= timid (blue+red) Boy= rash Girl= lonely (darkness+time)
I don't know what questions you have to answer, or the answers, but you have to be HASTY nature.-IMPROVED BY ARCEUDOXYS ©-You should get HASTY nature and a silfer blue aura.also some calm questions may help.i tried to be chicorrita bit i failed to become.i became torchic instead -____|____-
Battle Tower
you get it after you beat Sabrina
mosdeep gym or from gardevoir
you have to get the calm type!
Boy= calm Girl= timid (blue+red) Boy= rash Girl= lonely (darkness+time)
No there is not.
If you're a female, get a calm nature, if you're a male, get a quirky timid.
put your fingertip on the t-sceen and keep it still
Chikorita is calm and quiet. go to and there you find how to answer the questions to be calm and quiet
I don't know what questions you have to answer, or the answers, but you have to be HASTY nature.-IMPROVED BY ARCEUDOXYS ©-You should get HASTY nature and a silfer blue aura.also some calm questions may help.i tried to be chicorrita bit i failed to become.i became torchic instead -____|____-
If your a boy, you need to answer the questions in a timid way, and as a girl, it's a calm way.
If you're a boy, you have to be timid. If you're a girl, you have to be calm. Note:The gender in PMD T/D has a more active role then in PMD B/R, perhaps because of the differences in Pokemon you can find in D/Pe/Pl depending on gender. ~PikiSkymin.
It depends on the way you answer the question that determines your type i.e. calm, brave, etc. The way you answer questions gives you points toward different types and the one with the most is what you are. You can check how to get a certain type on and check under games and go to the specific game you have.
To get Cyndaquil, you will need to have Timid as your nature if you are male, or calm if you are female. There are guides to which questions score what, and it may take several tries before you get the questions you need to achieve your goal. is one of many walkthroughs, and is generally informative.
The color blue is often associated with feelings of calmness, serenity, and tranquility. It can promote a sense of relaxation and reduce stress. Blue is also known to stimulate creativity and productivity.