Boy= calm Girl= timid (blue+red) Boy= rash Girl= lonely (darkness+time)
Yes, but only in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky.
A dungeon is a cave on pokemon mystery dungeon. It is a level with a series of floors/rooms and the object is to get to the end of the dungeon.
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Pokemon games are typically released on Nintendo games consoles. As such, there are no Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games for the Sony PSP.
garchomp and altaria or charmander and mudkip
you can find him in waterfall pond with HM dive or waterfall.
Recruit a mudkip and finish the game then go to luminous cave and evolve him/her
for female, try to awnser stuff related to lonely. for male, rash
wodit be better to swap chimchar for mudkip
I got pretty far with mudkip and charmander.
act the rash type if boy. act lonely if girl
Bulbasaur,Charmander,Squirtle,Pikachu,Chikorita,Cyndaquil,Totodile,Treecko,Torchic, and Mudkip.
it all depends on the pokemon. my mudkip learned it around level 10 or 12
Pokemon cannot be traded in the Mystery Dungeon series.