I don't know what questions you have to answer, or the answers, but you have to be HASTY nature.
You should get HASTY nature and a silfer blue aura.
also some calm questions may help.
i tried to be chicorrita bit i failed to become.
i became torchic instead -____|____-
Piplup is only found in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Time and Darkness. It is one of the Pokemon that you can become in the beginging. If you don't get Piplup, it can be found in Crevice Cave(floors 1-10.)
get to the dark crater ther its chimchar.
Become a goast pokemon, use a mobile orb or get the IQ skill super mobile. You can also use a mobile scarf.
for starter Pokemon you cant be a trapinch.but when you beat the (guild members beside bidoof) grand master of all evil (or something) chimeco says you can pick whos gonna be the the team leader in the dungeon. anyway the master is wigglituf and minions:chatot,sunflors,crogunk,diglett,dugtrio,hey hey corfish,loudred and chimeco. (hope it hels couse i already finished the game!!:D)
INS is short for Insert, while OVR is short for Overwrite. INS lets you insert a letter into the name. For example, if the name is Squirtle and the tiny arrow below the name is on the "t", if you press the letter "q" the name will become Squirqtle. OVR lets you overwrite a letter. For example, if the tiny arrow below the name Squirtle is at the letter "t" and you press "q", the name will become Squirqle. This information is found in the instruction booklet for both Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Blue and Red Rescue Team.
Totodile, with partner of Torchic
At the end (not very end), p.s. Make sure to get the item(s) left by the boss. Forgot the name.
you cant youre talking about mystery dungeon
I don't believe you can. Sorry.
In Pokemon Red Mystery Dungeon You CAN Become A Machop But To Actually Become A Machamp You Need To Beat The Game To Evolve It And Level Up To Lv90 To Become Machamp
Yes you can, if your a torchic, after you beat rayquaza go to where wishcash is and you need to be ALONE to evolve.if you have the right level then go there 2 times and you'll be a blaziken!ALSO if your not a torchic if your partner is then you can switch then you can go back there 2 times and you'll be blaziken!
Piplup is only found in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Time and Darkness. It is one of the Pokemon that you can become in the beginging. If you don't get Piplup, it can be found in Crevice Cave(floors 1-10.)
Yes, he/she can be a starter or your partner.
well you need to have a stubborn nature
keep trying the personality test
get to the dark crater ther its chimchar.
YES of course you can and they can become your friends