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If any of your Pokemon's ID numbers match the loto number completely you win one in Jubilife City. You get it in the Veilstone Galactic Building.

Or when you beat Cyrus

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Q: How do you get a Master ball on diamond without cheats?
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How do you get another master ball without and cheats on diamond?

you don't!

How do you get infinite master ball cheats for Pokemon diamond?

x999 ball master, 999 caramelle rare e Codici

How do you get a second master ball without a Ditto?

You cannot. You will only have one Master Ball in the game. Unless you used cheats..

What are some cheats for Master Ball game?

I know of no cheats for the Master Ball game.

Can you catch Darkrai with a master ball in diamond?

Of course, a Master Ball catches any Pokemon without fail, Legendary or not.

Can you get more than one master ball without cheats?

Well, as a Master Ball is extremely rare and it is has a 500% catch rate, there is only ONE Master Ball in the whole game so you can't get a Master Ball more than once without cheating!

How do you get more master balls without cheats?

You trade Pokemon from friends that's Pokemon is holding a master ball

How do you get 999 master balls in Pokemon emerald without codes or cheats?

Clone your Pokemon and give them the master ball

How do you clone a master ball in Pokemon emerald without using lacks and cheats?

That is impossible.

Where can you get a great ball or master ball in Pokemon diamond?

there is no master ball in diamond and also great ball. but there is silver ball-silver ball is like a master ball.

How do you get heatran without using a master ball in Pokemon diamond?

use ultra balls

Pokemon Diamond Master Ball cheats?